Sarawakian Localights: River Tortoise cooked with Pineapples

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IN Sarawak, pineapples are commonly found in most farms and backyards of longhouses. They make a ready dish for any meal and the fruit can also be served as a snack on a hot day.

Since the fruit is easily found in the backyard it becomes a ready ingredient when an Iban catches a river tortoise, which may weigh from 3 kg even up to 8 kg. If a large one is caught, the Iban family can share the delicacy with their neighbours. There is seldom a question of selling such exotic meat to neighbours in a place of such community spirit.

This dish of pineapple and river tortoise is easy to make. A pot of water with ginger and some chillies is brought to the boil. After a few minutes more of boiling, the cut pieces of the meat are placed in the pot for simmering. When the cartilage of the river tortoise is soft and breaks easily with a fork, the pineapple slices are added to the pot. Pepper and salt are then added. Once the soup tastes good and flavoursome, the fire can be put out and the dish served.

Because river tortoise is not easy to catch, the longhouse people also find it difficult to plan ahead to have the dish served on certain festivals.

But if you are visiting and the Iban family happens to have caught a river tortoise, what a nice welcome dish this can be for you. Enjoy the fellowship.

By Changyi, Agape Grace MPC, Miri