- PRESIDENTdesk: BE A LIVING Christian Pg.2
- DIRECTalk: Tie King Tai: Keeping in step Gospel ministry among the indigenous and Chinese Pg.3-4
- President’s Itinerary: February 2019 Pg.4
- NEWSlink: Chinese Methodist Church in Australia Appointment for 2019 Pg.5
- HOMEnews: Christmas Events in Gymkhana Club Pg.6
- HOMEnews: BB Love Box A Mosaic of Generosity Pg.7-8
- MISSIONS: After 49 years the Dots are connected …The Return of Glenda Cox Jevans… Pg.9-10
- MISSIONS: Glenda’s journey back to Sarawak Pg.11
- REFLECTiON: A Unique Christmas Day Service Pg.12
- SERMONnotes: Sermons are Weekly Lessons Pg.13-15
- ORDINARYmoments: Strengthen your inner man Pg.15
- RUAI BM: Pelayanan BM Kuching Barat Kita adalah keluarga Pg.16-17
- RUAI BM: Refleksi Konvensyen Doa Methodist 2018 Kita berdoa, Tuhan bekerja Pg.18
- RUAI BM: DOA adalah senantiasa Pg.18
- RUAI BM: Kesetiaan dan Berdoa Pg.19
- RUAI BM: Api Roh Kudus bekerja Pg.19
- REFLECTiON: Shadow of the Two Copper Coins Pg.20