- PRESIDENTdesk: Why Give Money to Annual Conference? Pg. 2
- HOMEnews: Notice of Board of Finance Pg. 3
- President’s Itinerary: August 2019 Pg. 3
- HOMEnews: The 12th Sarawak Chinese Methodist Convention 2019 Pg. 4-5
- DIRECTalk: Sency Ling: Equipping Indigenous People To Servce the Lord Pg. 6-7
- LOCALmissions: The Voices Of Rural Missions and Evangelism Pg. 8-9
- LOCALmissions: Feeling the Pulse of Lighthouse Kapit Pg. 10-11
- Localmissions: A Different World A Different Life Pg. 13
- IDENTITY: Cast your nets into deeper waters? Pg. 14
- PRAYINGlife: The Praying Cross Pg. 15
- ORDINARYmoments: Three stories of waiting Pg. 16
- Ruai BM: KEM Dedikasi Daerah Miri Pg. 17
- Ruai BM: Dalam Kosoang dan Kegelapan Tuhan Berada di sini Pg. 18
- Ruai BM: “Anakku kau KUpilih” Pg. 18-19
- Ruai BM: BERDOA Pg. 19
- WITNESSing: A Brush with Death Pg. 20