HOMEnews: Notice of Board of Finance

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TO: Chairmen/Directors/Treasurers/Managers/Advisors/Internal Auditors of Boards/Annual Conference Fellowships/Agencies/Centres; District Superintendents, District Lay Leaders, District Treasurers, Chairmen of District Commissions, Chairmen/Treasurers/Internal Auditors of District Fellowships; Pastors In-charge of Local Churches, Chairmen/Lay Leaders/Treasurers/Internal Auditors of Local Church Executive Committees and Chairpersons of the Committee on Stewardship and Finance.

As requested by the Executive Board, Board of Finance had set up the Annual Conference Finance Internal Audit Unit on April 2019 which is led by Bro. Ling Ee Chiew. Bro Ling is an Associate member of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK and a Chartered Accountant of Malaysian Institute of Accountants. Before joining our Annual Conference, he has been working as External Auditor with 4 big audit firms, Internal Auditor with local plantation company and management position with a multi-national oil and gas company.

The objective of Finance Internal Audit unit is to promote, design, develop and maintain a financial system which provides accountability for all units under SCAC. The approaches to achieve the objective are as follow:-
1. To understand and to document the current process or procedure.
2. To identify current internal control weaknesses and to propose recommendations to strengthen the internal control.
3. Assist in the implementation.
4. To obtain feedback and to revise the proposed procedures, if required.
5. To verify compliance for established procedures.
6. To revise established procedures, if required.

At the moment, the Finance Internal Audit unit will visit some units under SCAC, e.g. Boards, Annual Conference Fellowship, District Fellowship, Local Churches, Annual Conference Agencies and Centres, to understand  their current financial practise and recommend to Internal Audit Advisory Committee of Board of Finance on the amendment of Internal Control Guidelines on Prudent Finance Management.

As such, when our Finance Internal Audit unit and Bro James Lau, our Annual Conference Secretary General contact you to arrange the visits, kindly arrange and coordinate with them according to their request by supplying all the financial related documentation and information. If any improvements are needed immediately, please follow their suggestions and act accordingly.

Rev. Dr. Tie King Tai 
President of SCAC 

John Ling Tung Chuang
Chairman, Board of Finance