REFLECTION: Shepherding Ministry and Football Team Spirit

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Maradona’s “Hand of God” came about when he punched an aerial ball past England goalkeeper on June 22, 1986, Argentina was then playing England in the World Cup semi-final in Mexico. Since then I fell in love with World Cup and I would follow World Cup matches in the middle of the night or would apply for annual leave, purely out of my interest in the game.

Football is not only a game of strength and skill but also of mental and psychological strength of players. The team is expected to be well-coordinated, with strict team spirit and be aggressive. Whether dribbling a ball or not, the players have to be calm and be observant of their surroundings. They have to undergo comprehensive training. So playing football is good for cultivating intelligence.

Playing football helps in cultivating team spirit. To win a game the goalkeeper, centre and full back, midfielders, centre forward and wingers all have to cooperate. That is why people who like to play football are better in team-work.

Argentina lost to France having so many football super players. The reason is that they relied too much upon Lionel Messi. Messi of the Argentine team is a very strong player. But Messi alone was unable to overcome the eleven players of the French team that cooperated better. This is another proof that “team spirit” is the ultimate secret to winning in a football game!

The same is true for the shepherding ministry. Paul was indeed a good example for ministry. Of course he was capable of doing so all alone. However in his later years he said: “Get Mark and bring him with you”. Why? Because: “he is useful in my ministry.” (2 Tim 4:11).

In Romans Chapter 16 Paul mentioned twenty seven people, many of whom we don’t know. Paul mentioned those who helped him and greeted them one by one. These people had gone through thick and thin together with Paul. At that time believers were facing persecution and could only worship God secretly (the modern term is “underground church”). Despite the chance of being caught and killed, they broke bread and worshiped together. They kissed and remembered one another when departing. Who else, other than the people of God, would keep watch over one another this way?

Among the twenty seven people, Phoebe was a deaconess and always helped others (v.1); Priscilla and Aquila were a couple who worked closely with Paul (v. 3); Mary worked very hard for others (v. 6); Ampliatus was Paul’s dear friend in the Lord (v. 8); Andronicus and Junia were Paul’s fellow prison mates……. The others were single or of the same family, poor, noble, young and old and… Each of these people played an important role in Paul’s life. Regardless of their background they served the Lord together in Christ. Without them Paul’s ministry might not succeed. And these are just a few examples. If Paul didn’t mention them, we wouldn’t know of their existence and believe that Paul was alone in his ministry.

Today, our church is not short of believers who love God and work hard for the Lord. What we are lacking is unity! Yes believers should serve the Lord with the team spirit of a football team. Football is a sport in which the players have to compete hard to break through the defence of the other team and to defend against the opponents. To win the game the team has to be brave and to cooperate.

That’s why Paul says: “Therefore, if there is any encouragement in the Messiah, if there is any comfort of love, if there is any fellowship in the Spirit, if there is any compassion and sympathy, then fill me with joy by having the same attitude, sharing the same love, being united in spirit, and keeping one purpose in mind. Do not act out of selfish ambition or conceit, but with humility think of others as being better than yourselves. Do not be concerned about your own interests, but also be concerned about the interests of others.” (Phil 2:1-4)

By Rev Ting HS, Malihah MC, Kuching
Translated by KT Chew