SOCIALconcerns: Youths, are you apathetic politically?

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IN the Election Commission 2017 4th quarter report, about 3.4 million Malaysian citizens of over 21 years of age are still not registered as voters and two-thirds of them are youths aged 21 to 30. Is this, to some extent, a reflection of the youths’ political apathy? Maybe some youths who have registered as voters are indifferent to politics? Christian youths, are you politically apathetic too?

Some of the recent political changes and development in our country are not to the satisfaction of many, the performance of the ruling and opposition parties are both unsatisfactory. It seems as though whosoever comes into power will not bring about brighter prospects. Some people are disappointed with certain recent scandals that are internationally known as well as many incidents of political oppression. They are disappointed or even angry with the ruling parties. Others are unhappy with the opposition parties because of their indecisive political policies and their self-contradicting political drama. Some even launched the campaign to cast spoilt votes hoping to “severely punish” the two parties and to express their dissatisfaction with the current political situation.

Hence Christian youths no longer care about politics and regard it as a heavy and pointless topic to discuss. On the other hand they are more focused on pleasure of the moment, experiencing life and are more willing to share on topics such as food, travel, science and video games; “those heavy political issues are for those people with such noble aspirations to debate and check and have nothing to do with me.” They do not know that if we do not pay attention to and participate in politics, politics will gradually affect our lives and change our general environment.

Of course we are not in any campaign to “bring down the government”. This is a parliamentary democratic country and supporting any party is not to “bring down the government”. It is by the election process that the ruling parties come into power. The church recognizes that the power of the rulers comes from God and so when we obey laws and regulations established by the rulers we are obeying God. However the Bible also explains that it is because “rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong………. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” (Romans 13: 3-4) We obey the rulers because we believe that they are God’s servants to show God’s righteousness.

Therefore the church does not follow the rulers blindly, although in obedience the church should also keep watch and urge that the government to govern justly. Amos proclaimed: “There are those who turn justice into bitterness and cast righteousness to the ground. … But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:7, 24) Isn’t that what we echo in our hearts? When we proclaim that God is in power, is it not our prayer that God’s righteousness and deeds be manifested in this land we love? If you agree that God is in power in the earthly kingdom and can bestow the country to whosoever He wishes then you should be concerned about politics and be involved in politics. The most common and simplest way to participate in politics is to cast your vote!

Your vote
is a vessel of
Christian youths, did you cast your vote in the GE14? Or you cast a spoilt vote? It is undeniable that everyone has the right to vote or not to vote or to cast a spoilt vote. However I prefer to use my vote to become an instrument in the hands of God to bestow power upon people. Don’t underestimate your vote. In the past of totalitarian rule, kinship, military power and others could be the vessel in the hands of God to bestow power upon someone. In this country of parliamentary democracy, your vote and my vote can also become instruments in the hands of God to bestow power upon people.

I hope that more Christian youths (and of course Christians of any age) will come to recognize – “my vote is the instrument of God”!

The ultimate
We Christians can and should have our own political standing and wish a certain political party to govern and lead our country cleanly, justly and with bright prospect. However we must always remember that we depend not on any person or party but on God. No one can guarantee that a certain party will govern better than others. We will be disappointed if we look to man but when looking to God we will not be disappointed. God continues His wonderful acts in seemingly terrible circumstances because He is the God who rules the history of mankind and is also the Lord over Malaysia.

By Pastor Ambrose Wong Tuong Dian,
Masland Methodist Church, Sibu
Translated by KT Chew