OPINION: A HOME for the Old Folks

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I was watching “Good People” program on TV2, when an idea came to me. Why can’t the Methodist Church, Sarawak, set up a centre where there is fellowship for seniors where they can live, eat  and mingle together, sharing everything just like the early church. This centre will cater for the following:I was watching “Good People” program on TV2, when an idea came to me. Why can’t the Methodist Church, Sarawak, set up a centre where there is fellowship for seniors where they can live, eat  and mingle together, sharing everything just like the early church. This centre will cater for the following:
1. A home for the old folks (retirees,  if willing they can even donate a  part of their pension, while the  really old dissolute and destitute  folks need not make any pay- ment) – whether it is for day care  or stay-in.
2. A kitchen where healthy vegetar- ian food is provided for every one coming to eat there (free-will do- nation for the food for those who  can afford and free for those who  can’t afford).
3. A Sunday school with volunteer  teachers for people of all ages so  that they can grasp biblical val- ues. Classes can be conducted in  the weekday afternoons or Satur day afternoon.
4. A funeral parlour to cater for Chris- tian burial.
The idea above will need all the churches to combine their resources together so that the Gospel could be preached more widely and effectively.  As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:16b “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel”.
Sunday school can be carried out on Saturday afternoon. Classes can be categorized by age e.g. primary groups, secondary groups, tertiary groups and even senior groups. Apart from the Bible studies, there should be studies of moral education as well.
At this centre everything should be provided free and people should volunteer to serve. However people can even be encouraged to donate as well. As the Bible puts it in Mark 10: 45: For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.
The centre should be self supporting financially. However public donation can really help. Furthermore, the residents can help in the kitchen to prepare food or clean or even provide day-care services to those who come in just for the day.

How it can be done?

I am sure the Methodist congregation in Kuching is very large (other districts can set up their respective centres). We can get a head start if each person of 20 years and above could donate RM100 each. With that seed money we purchase a shop lot or a piece of land for this project (a piece of land would be better where we can have our own design for the building).
A committee should be set up first with representatives from the Methodist churches in Kuching. For smaller districts we could set up the centre later with help from the pioneer.
Our main goal should not be concerned solely on earning money when setting up centres like this but to benefit our senior brothers and sisters as well as the needy public.  Paul mentioned in Corinthians 9:18: “In preaching the Gospel I offer it free of charge.”

By Tiong Ho Sion Faith Methodist Church, Kuching