LIVING: The Greatest Wealth

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As I was waking up and sitting on the edge of the bed, my ears heard a song loud and clear. That familiar voice, strong, powerful and determined. It was my close friend, Ren Mei. She had gone to the Lord early this year.

The wordings are very clear:
“My greatest wealth is God; my greatest wealth is God. In him I am satisfied, for I have no wants. My greatest wealth is God.

My greatest security is God; my greatest security is God. He is my fortress. In him I have no fear. My greatest security is God.

My greatest joy is God; my greatest joy is God. In him I rejoice and sadden not. My greatest joy is God. “How wonderful it is: how great it is, to know that God is with me as my Savior always.”

Yes, this sister in Christ had been my spiritual mentor and now even in death, she seems to still be speaking to my heart. I was depressed with all the ‘bad news’ happening around me from the beginning of this year till now. The passing away of friends in church, young and old; many falling sick and lots of gossips in and around the church environment. My grudges with dear friends put me in a very hurtful situation.

All these past thirty years, Ren Mei had been a great ‘mom’, a close cheerful friend, my mentor and spiritual example. She had gone through so many painful trials and pain but she always walked with her head high. In tears, she talked and pleaded to God with hymns. Many times, I was sitting beside her, helping with her chores and her loud clear voice would surround us with the promises of God. Singing was her passion and singing to the Lord brought her through painful journeys in life. She sang and sang and sang, making each song a prayer to the Lord in the most high. She would share a song she had learnt in the choir. God was so real in her life though she was suffering.

Her voice and song this morning brought great memories and awakened to my soul. Yes! Why am I so concerned and worried with cares of this world! Look into the promises of God. My Father Almighty in heaven is the richest of all. The heavens and earth belong to him and all those in them. Why do I have to struggle on my own, be so down cast? As God had always answered her, God will lead me as well. What a comfort to know my God can send a message with such a wonderful memory.

I am burdened with concerns. My hubby is having many health issues recently. He is still limping with pain in his pelvic but he refused to seek for medical treatment. My youngest daughter is sitting for her SPM and we do not know what to do with her? Stringent financial budget, the weak currency rate and the low income…all added up my stress. If I go back to teaching and earn some extra cash, I won’t have much time for others. I am tangling myself with so many things that I am just furious with myself. Imbalance in spirit, mind and body!

Lord in heaven, thank you for this special song dedicated to me through the singing of my friend Ren Mei. Though you have taken her home, yet she is still able to convey her faith, shared her life with me. This is a special experience that you have given me, to reassure me that you are in control. Put my cares unto your mighty hands as what Ren Mei had done all her days.

Father in heaven, thanks for this wonderful gift of friendship and friends who have ministered to me in my needs during different stages of my life. Let me be a gift to others as she had been for me. In you I trust, my greatest wealth, my fortress and my joy. Cleanse me and fill me with your joyful spirit, anoint me with your peace. Let me a vessel to channel your love to those in need around me. Holy Spirit, be with me, lead me on to do the right thing at the right time at the right place for the glory of God. Lord, Jesus, in your healing power of the cross and resurrection, make me whole. Thanks and I pray in Christ Jesus’ name. Amen.
By Chris of tawau, Sabah