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1. Aims:
(1) To Foster close relationship with God among family members.
(2) To teach children family devotion so that they will continue this tradition with their own families in future
(3) To strengthen relationship among family members through praise God and praying together as a family.
(If children are out of town because of study or work, husband and wife can still have devotion time together. Or family can still have devotion together through online chat.)

2. Frequency:
weekly or fortnightly

3. Day and time:
Saturday night or Sunday night (or any night depending on the circumstance)

4. Who should be present:
Ideally all members of the family should be present.

5. Order:
(1) Start with an opening prayer
(2) Sing a few hymns or choruses
(3) Read a chapter from Proverbs or follow a daily devotion guide (e.g. Scripture Union guide, Daily Bread, or a special family devotion guide) – read the bible passage for the day
(4) Read the story related to the bible passage
(5) Pose a question related to the bible passage and/or story for brief discussion
(6) Each person taking turn to pray audibly. (Infant exempted;
toddler can pray the Lord’s prayer.) Pray for self, the family, church, state, nation, world, according to matters of concern.
(7) Lastly a suggestion for an action to be taken in the following week.

Provided by Dr Yao Sik Chi