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“Your friend went home to be with the Lord this morning!” my husband said as he returned for lunch. Yes another friend again had disembarked from the train of life. Last week, a friend’s husband had gone to be with the Lord. Another friend also called to say that her old friend had also left. So many we have known have gone so soon. Is news of their passing good or bad?

Many people find it unpleasant even to think about death. Death is a taboo. But there are seasons of life. The life cycle goes on and on. As we age, we think more about it. It seems nearer and nearer and is inevitable. Some close friends have been discussing this topic with me. These are the things we agreed on. My friends, a couple who are celebrating their eightieth and ninetieth birthdays this year said that they are happy with what God has given them, a ripe old age. They would gladly go home whenever God calls them. They know there is a better place for them above in heaven as God has promised. So, death seems like good news, a way to heaven for them. That is what they believe till now.

Another lone bird has also come up with the same thought. Her husband has migrated overseas to be with the children. She prefers to stay here because she can’t tolerate any cold weather. Now at sixty-five she feels that life is very fragile. At one time, within a week, four died in her church. Those who seemed healthy and strong just collapsed and died. So death doesn’t have a waiting list. Death just calls anyone he wishes, despite age or gender. Recently, she felt a bit weak, fainting many times in church during the Sunday service and even at the hospital while waiting for her turn to see the doctor. Until now the doctor has not found her problem. She is praying that God will let her go quietly without pain or fear. She is also prepared to meet her Lord any time!

My friend’s husband refused to believe in Jesus until he was on his death bed. When the doctor made the final announcement of his fatal disease, at last he understood what eternity meant to a person who couldn’t go back. He repented and admitted his sins before he died. His wife said that he smiled when he left them to meet again in heaven. It was a close shave indeed because he fainted many times before he received Jesus Christ. God was merciful to him as his wife shared the testimony. Not many have the chance!

Some leave in health, mostly in sickness. No one likes to be sick and death is bad news for those who do not want to die. They have too many things undone, untried, unsettled and unfinished business to handle, relationships to patch up, debts to pay or receive; they just cannot take it that life can be so short. This is the same with families who never really enjoyed each other’s company, did things together or had close quality time. Since they missed so many things, regrets cropped up and they hoped for a second chance!

I have not heard anyone say to me “I am happy to die. Death is good news!” They would say, “When the time comes I am willing to let go.” Only Paul declared in the Bible that it was wonderful to be with the Lord and he wished he could go soon but, he also chose to live because of his unfinished mission.

Death is good news to those who have Jesus as their Lord and saviour because He will be there to welcome them home to heaven, where God is forever.

Death is bad news to those who can only see this world. They have never seen beyond this world; there is no home waiting for them.

My heart is heavy. The friend who died this morning had been sick for more than ten years. She had lived a hard life, working hard to look after her family and had gone through heart-breaks and a lot of disappointments. She was sick of going in and out of the hospital recently. She left in peace at long last! It is a blessing to her and her family for they had all gone through a lot. So the news came as good news to know she would be free from all pain and sickness now.

I have a dying friend. He is suffering from kidney failure and has a tumour in one of his lungs. His wife won’t let him go for medical check-ups, saying that it is useless to know more. How is he facing death which seems inevitable? It seems so far and yet so near! No one knows the time. So we ask him to live to his best, to enjoy every day and be close to God.

Let’s treasure our time and enjoy living while God grants it to us!

Chris of Tawau, KK