PRAY & watch: PRAY FOR Our Youth & Children

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Week 1: Racial Harmony, Migrants and Refugees 

Thanksgiving: Thank God that He has placed us in Malaysia, which is a melting pot of different cultures, eth­nicity and nationalities. We should always be reminded that we are put in this land for such a time as this (Esther4:14).

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1- 11, Psalm 140:12

Prayer Points:

1)God’s protection be upon those who are returning to hometowns for the festival.

2)God will destroy barriers to racial harmony. Races will come togeth­er to live in peace.

3)Pray for those who come to our land to escape oppression, pov­erty, persecution, war and violence. Pray that they may find God in all His glory through the love of the Christian community for them.

4)Protection of young girls and chil­dren from traffickers, and that jus­tice to be meted out against traf­fickers.

Closing Prayer:

Father, thank you for this land we have put us in. Though we are differ­ent, we are all created by You in Your likeness. We ask that You will unite us—the people of this land, together. We pray for grace to live together in harmony and Your inspiration to find ways to live in peace with one an­other. We also pray for courage and love to carry out these commitments with joy. Unite the Christians and the churches together too, so that You will be glorified. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Week 2: Youth and Children

Adoration: Praise the Lord for the blessings of the next generation (Genesis 1 :28). May we be faithful in

bringing up a generation that will fear the Lord.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 68:5

Prayer Points:

1)More Christians will rise up to be strategic thinkers for the future of children and youth, including the neglected communities, to be a voice for abused, neglected or for­gotten children and youth.

2)Social justice for all children, in­cluding migrant children, that they will be given full access to educa­tion, healthcare and housing, re­gardless of citizenship, race, faith, gender or community.

3)Pray for young people and chil­dren suffering from disintegration of the family unit, poverty, ill health, poor nutrition, and bad influence from media and peers.

4)Pray that every child and youth in the nation will have a chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have a life-changing encoun­ter of knowing Him.

5)Pray that the church will be active and intentional in preparing them to be transformational leaders for this generation.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, may Your people honour Your name, so that Your will be done with­out hindrances. May our leaders fear You because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. May the churches in Malaysia arise and shine. Let your gospel be preached throughout the whole nation so that Your name be glorified in Malaysia. Lord, heal this land so that the peo­ple and all creations in this land will praise You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Week 3: Media
Adoration: Thank God for being a God who communicates with His ere-ation—through Scriptures, through creation, through sending His Son, the Living Word, and the many dif-ferent ways He speaks to us today.
Media includes newspaper, televi-sion, radio and the internet. Our gen-eration is the one gifted with the ad-vancement of media and technology. Because of this, the church is able to use these tools to communicate to the society. Church seekers are also locating churches as well as looking for Gospel related materials via the media.
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:8

Prayer Points:
1) Thank God for writers, producers, broadcasters and journalists work¬ing in the media— for their abili¬ties, skills and for all who seek after the truth.

2) Truth to be reported and dissemi¬nated. Media and journalists to up¬hold ethical, professional and truthful reporting. Our media would be characterised by wisdom and integrity.

3) Christian to recognise the power of media and to penetrate and serve through this sphere of influ¬ence. Funding and development of Christian production house, pro-ducers and artists and for Christian movies and programmes.

4) Ask God to raise up godly journal¬ists and in the media line who will champion the powerless and seek truth and justice.

5) Christians will use media wisely and faithfully to share the Gospel.

6) Pray for yourself, your church, your community and our nation to be wise consumers of informa¬tion and opinion.

Closing Prayer:
God who spoke the world into being and communicates with us still to¬day; we give you thanks for writers, producers, broadcasters and journal-ists, and all who work in the media. We thank you for their creative skills and technical abilities, and their per-sistence in seeking after truth. We ask that they may have wisdom, in¬tegrity, insight and judgement in their work. May they be a voice for the powerless, a challenge to the power¬ful; bringers of knowledge and clarity to an uncertain and confused world. Help them to reach for the highest professional standards, especially when budgets are stretched, time is tight, and competition increas¬ing. May they resist the temptation to prejudice or cut corners. Help us, who read, watch, listen and contrib¬ute to the media, to play our part by being wise and discerning, so that truth and beauty will be the hallmarks of our media. We offer these prayers in the Name of the One who brought the Good News, declared Himself as the Truth, and gave Himself for a world in need, Amen.

Week 4: Famil
Adoration: Praise the Lord for a fam-ily, as well as a church family. Thank God that through Jesus Christ, we are a part of the family of God.

Prayer for families is the foundation that keeps a family unit together. When a family prays together, Jesus will be the foundation of the family, and when challenges come, it will not be easily shaken. The family is a small church and our ministry first starts at home (1 Tim 3:5).

Managing your family is caring for each member, teaching them God’s ways, leading them to grow in the Lord, and equipping them for adult life. A family who prays together will have a heart of prayer for the world.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 127:3-5

Prayer Points:
1) Head of the households to take the lead in spiritual matters and contribute to the spiritual develop-ment of the family.

2) The Church to be a supportive and safe space for people to learn about biblical parenting.

3) Pray for strong marriages: marital relationships to be deepened and strengthened and Christian cou¬ples will be an example of stable and loving marriages.

4) Parents to place high priority on their families and equip them-selves with biblical teachings on parenting so that they are able to raise the children in the fear of the Lord.

5) God’s strength and grace on single-parent families, as well as for families experiencing grieve over the loss of loved ones.

Closing Prayer:
Lord, thank you for the institution of marriage You have made sacred. I pray against domestic violence and the unfaithfulness in marriage. Instil the right perspective and priority of marriage and family into the hearts of the husband and wife so that with Your help, they are able to build their family according to Your heartbeat. I also pray that the church will be active in giving guidance in raising godly families. I also pray for families which are finding it difficult to love one another, that Your peace and love will bring reconciliation and love among them. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen

Board of Laity, SCAC