After 38 Years of Ministering Rev Su Chii Ann Retires to teaching

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45th SCAC

After serving 38 years in pastoring, Rev Su Chii Ann will enjoy retirement from 2021 onwards. Apart from pastoring, he had served as the President of the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference (SCAC) from 2005 to 2016.

The Retirement Ceremony was held on 26 November 2020 at Masland Methodist Church, Sibu. He and his wife of 35 years, have a son and a daughter. Both children are living and working abroad.

Rev Su thanked the Lord for His prevenient grace to let him be born into a Christian family, with a Christ-loving-mom who loved others. When he was in Form 4, he accepted Christ with assurance, which is justifying grace; he then received spiritual nurture in the church and was called by God to enter theological school for training. After that he soaked himself in ministering, teaching and management; that is sanctifying grace. His goal is to love God and man in perfection so as to be worthy to go to the Lord to receive His glorious grace.

Rev Su summed up his sharing with these quotes: “Thank God for His grace upon grace, praying God for strength upon strength.”

After retirement, Rev Su wishes to continue to serve the Lord in the area of teaching, connecting, guiding and training. “Many people suggested that I should do some writing but I haven’t settled on that yet.”

He expressed that God gave him some confirmations as to what to do. They were the blessing of his family, his health, affirmation from colleagues, the needs of the theological school and the peace at heart.

He asked that fellow brothers and sisters in Christ pray for him to have spirituality, vigor, strength, determination and perseverance.

During the announcement of the Appointment of 2021, he was assigned as the Director of Field Education at Methodist Theological School, Sibu.

Reported by April Lu
Translated by Christina