- PRESIDENTdesk: No B No B Pg.2
- HOMEnews: Pastors’ Wives Fellowship Celebrates 50th Anniversary Rev Tie: The Wholesome Beauty of a Pastor’s Wife Pg.3
- SOCIALconcern: Tudan learning Centre Enabling underprivileged children to be educated Pg.4
- PRAYERoom: PRAY for Our Missionaries Pg.5
- MISSIONS: MY PASSION For the Indigenous People Pg.6
- President’s Itinerary: June 2019 Pg.6
- HOMEnews: BB Sarawak attends BCM Pg.7
- DIRECTalk: James Kwang: Post Retirement Plans Pg.8-10
- ORDINARYmoments: My God and My All Pg.10
- RETREAT: Refreshed at the Valley of the Wind Pg.11-13
- IDENTITY: WHO AM I? – Looking At A Teenager’s Life through a Keyhole Pg.14-15
- THOUGHTS: The Unexpected Gift Pg.15
- RUAI BM: CKS di SMK Pakan Pg.16-18
- RUAI BM: Bukan memberi tetapi diberkat Pg.18
- RUAI BM: Perkakas Tuhan Pg.19
- RUAI BM: Tiang masa depan Pg.19
- CROSS the ocean: My Encounter with William Burnett at KXMC Pg.20