A Combined Graduation Service of four different batches of Short Term Missions School (STMS) was joyfully yet solemnly held at Xin Fu Yuan Methodist Church (XFY) at 3pm on 31 March 2017. The graduation saw 4 batches of students graduate from STMS receive their scrolls. They were the 25th Batch Chinese, 12th Batch Iban, 8th Batch Music and 1st Batch BM Short-Term Missions School students.

Apart from a total of 114 STMS graduating students, the sanctuary of XFY was packed with their family members, close relatives and friends, their respective church members, as well as the faculty of the Methodist Theological School (MTS).

Among the 114 STMS graduates, 77 of them belonged to the 25th Batch Chinese, 8 the 12th Batch Iban, 21 the 8th Batch Music and 8 the 1st Batch BM.

Four students from the said 4 short-term missions schools shared their encouraging testimonies.

Rev Joseph Jaie of the Sarawak Iban Annual Conference was the speaker of this grand event. He preached in Iban and the interpreter was Pastor Lau Lee Lam. “The completion of the STMS is the beginning of our mission. In other words, after STMS, one has been equipped to expand the kingdom of God by serving more diligently and enthusiastically. As we all well perceived that the Great Commission was not directed to pastors only but to all followers of Jesus Christ. We are obliged to be the light and salt to this world.”

“Both light and salt are not meant to be hidden away. STMS graduation does not mean a full stop but we are commissioned to be a little shepherd in our respective church and to those around us. We should be able to shine God’s love and share His words to others naturally and actively,” added Rev Joseph Jaie.

Rev Joseph further encouraged all the STMS graduates to not stop learning and equipping themselves. STMS was just a part of their spiritual journey.

It was followed by the presentation of Certificates by Rev Dr Khoo Ho Peng, Rev Dr Ling Tung Kiing and Rev Dr Ting Siew King. The Principal of MTS Rev Dr Khoo then conducted the commissioning for all the STMS graduates.

The Service came to an end at around 5pm with an uplifting and exciting photo-taking session.

Reported by April
Translated by Saffron Lee