The Strength of the Multitude 
/ Chan Sing Ming

It never came to mind I would be able to fast for three whole days. I now realize how great the power of the multitude can be as I fasted together with the children of God. On the first day, the fasting was not that bad, but the words of God coming to mind were very scattered as I prayed. During evening prayer, they became clear and were all under the same theme. God was telling me how selfish I was and I repented.

On the second day, it became difficult and I wanted to give up. However, many encouraging messages helped me to go on. I prayed for our country and our church and God asked, “Do you Love Malaysia?”To be honest, I do but not that much!

On the third day, my hands and feet felt numb, my heart palpitated rapidly. But I persisted. I prayed for my family and children. When evening came, the peace of God engulfed me. I knew God is in Sibu, presiding in His church. I ended my fast, observing a rainbow hanging in the sky. Thanks to the Lord for this wonderful spiritual experience and breakthrough in my life.

Perseverance in Fasting
/ Rev Samuel Law

This fast was more challenging than before. However, while praying with all the participants, I succeeded without hunger pangs. During this time, my elder sister’s family came to visit and I acted as their tour-guide. It was a trial as we dined out most of the time. The temptation was there with my family acting as ‘tempters’. It was a struggle indeed watching people eating!

I was grateful, though I was under such circumstances, I was not drooling at all and there was no hunger pang. Thinking how others in our team had thrived, I could withstand the temptation as well. I also faced hard times and even had squabbles with my wife. Even so, we got to know and understand each other better. We prayed for our weaknesses. As I reflected on this fast, I realized the temptations the Muslims faced during Ramadan as they couldn’t even drink and I will be a more understanding person. Keep up this good work!

An Unbelievable Fasting Experience 
/ Pr Jackson Lee, Zhuo En MC, Saratok

As I was outstation I delayed my Fast & Pray starting from 13-15/12 instead. One of the church members accompanied me in this walk and I accomplished it even to the awe of my dear wife. It was unbelievable indeed!

I did want to give up but thanks to the Lord for helping me persevere even in discomfort situation. When I thought how others had done it, I cried to the Lord for help and felt the blessing and protection coming from our Lord.

Sleep till dawn
/ Rev Wong Nyiik Hung, Wan Ming MC, Sibu

Due to gastric problem, I often cough and vomit I couldn’t join full fasting so I took partial fast. But I really enjoyed these three days of fasting . As I prayed over the posting struggles, God promised that “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”(2Corinth 3:5) His word strengthened and healed me. My gastric problem didn’t occur during my fast and I could sleep well till dawn. Praise God!

I felt at Peace
/ Rev Chua Siew Chen, Zion Bible Correspondence School

When I was learning mediation and observation one morning, I looked into the sky and saw layers upon layers of clouds. I felt profound peace at heart. God is calm, steadfast and unchanging; I could rely on Him as He is the sovereign King ever!

Thanks to Rev Tie for initiating this Fast & Pray and we could pray together as a team. I really enjoyed it as I knew there are many out there traveling with me. God also showed me my weaknesses and I could rely on Him to overcome them. I hope I will have more opportunities to fast and pray together with my fellow pastors and church members!

A Two-Day Fast 
/Ho Ming Hing, Logos MC, Sibu

As I was traveling and couldn’t participate in the Fast & Pray call, I followed my own fasting schedule: 1st day 1 meal off, 2nd day 2 meals off and another two days of full fast.

During this time, I prayed for our new President Rev Tie and the new leaders. I felt blessed after praying as I could handle tough task with wisdom and I saw changes in my children as well.

With some shame, I admit that this was my very first time to have fasted for two full days and I had wanted to give up many times due to unbearable hunger. With this experience, I would seek the Lord with fasting in future. Fasting helped me yearning the Lord more. As I put my hard decision making matters into the hands of God and entrusted the needs of the church into his hands, I experienced a renewal in my life too.

I also prayed that God will pour upon us his grace and revival through this type of action.