- PRESIDENTdesk: Do not lose the next generation Pg.2
- MPC 2018: Bishop Ong: Keep the fire of prayer burning 3800 Malaysian Methodists gather in one voice Pg.3
- MPC 2018: Prayer and Building Up “A Church after God’s Own Heart from Nehemiah’s Perspective” Pg.4-5
- MPC 2018: Prayer and Pastoring Knowing God’s will Pg.5-6
- MPC 2018: Developing Intimacy with GOD Pg.7-8
- MPC 2018: Responses from participants… Pg.8
- MPC 2018: MPC Combined Service Bishop Ong: Prayer is God’s indispensable means of grace Pg.9
- MPC 2018: …Responses from participants… Pg.10
- MPC 2018: Pray for Reconciliation East Malaysia: Apologies to be followed by actions Pg.11
- ORDINARYmoments: The pursuit of Excellence Pg.12
- CANDLE in the STORM: A Reflection of our Heavenly Father Pg.13-14
- President’s Itinerary:October 2018 Pg.14
- CELEBRATING: Ho’s Heart — A testimony of God’s Mercy Pg.15
- MOVIEnight: The Power of FORGIVENESS Agape: Movie Night 2018 Pg.16
- BM MINISTRY: Pusat Penginjilan Methodist Pending The 2nd Fully BM Preaching Centre in Sarawak Pg.17
- RUAI BM: Memulai Hidup Baru Pg.18-19
- Sarawakian Localights: Turmeric Chicken and Terong Pipit Pg.20